Monday, September 29, 2003

long day. tired. treadmarked from the weekend.

saw ed wood. heard peter cetera in petsmart.

nolan's getting fixed this week.

gabrielle saw my neighbor totoro. loved it. re-watched it three more times.

i am re-reading american gods and have put down letters from robben island for awhile.

joseph gave me the song "it's a mad mad world" from donnie darko. i t carried me through the weekend.


Tuesday, September 23, 2003

It was an amazing experience to be with gabrielle last night while she was getting her flute for the very first time. The Quinlan & Fabish guy (the instrument seller) told her that she needs to remember not to open it until friday, her first lesson, so her instructor can show her how to put it together. Of course. We get in the car. She opens it. I don't say a word because I am excited too. She is amazing this little one. Irene once told me that Jon's hair is his flame, a swirl edging towards the sky on the top of his head. I think gabrielle's red hair is her flame, all things intense and burning, good and bad.

g got a flute.

Monday, September 22, 2003

I envelope myself in a warm layer this morning, hoping for one minute, a second of doubt. So I can, like some magical movie moment, speed out of the office doors and head out to...listless furrowed brow journeys. Like catatonic po(s)t stress incumbent (wesley?) feelings toward newborns. The weekend was full of addictions, near suicides (none my own) and my first visit to IKEA. I was scared.

Monday morning, this morning, I walked the dog, made the little one lunch for school, barley made my own and headed out the door, leaving the whole place a mess. Irene's going to kill me.

Band registration is tonight for g. My jeans are ripped and I'm i a little scared that all the parents are going to stare at me. But g is excited. So is Irene. So am I.