The art studio I rent a space from and participate in is having a joint show. Here is the postcard I made for my own self-promotion and the general info is below. It is next Saturday, May 6. The studio, eidolon, is on the other side of the tracks from the Heartland Cafe. My friend and fellow artist Lazlo will be part of the show as well as the other artists in the space. Come out if you can.
Here is the official info:
eidolon art studio: may art opening
Fresh artwork by:
Angela Scalisi: Photography, mixed media and diabetic works of art Tara
Noftsier: Clay sculpture, pottery, acrylics, and mixed media
Sarah Carson: Claywork, ceramics and pottery
Tory Ortschied: Lighting design
Hilesh Patel: Painting, spray paint, watercolor, stencil; canvas, wood,
metal, paper & other objects
Kevin Kalom: Leatherwork; whips, crops
Michael Cianfrani: Screen printing, batik, and photography
And of course, food and refreshments will be provided to keep everyone
pleasantly chill.
May 6, 2006, 7-10pm
eidolon art studio
7001 N. Glenwood
Redline El, Morse stop, exit north on Lunt, across from the Heartland Cafe
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