is teaching a batik class and is inviting anyone interested to join.
of batik shirts and here is the info in Micahel's words.....
7001 N. Glenview
in Roger's Park. Just off the Morse Redline stop.
I will be having two, three-week beginner's batik classes starting this month. Enrollment is $80 a person, all materials, wax, chemicals, dye, use of tools, and two American Apparel tshirts(retail value of $32), included.
Saturday's class starts 5/20, ends on 6/3, and will meet at 3pm
Tuesday's class starts 5/23, ends on 6/6, and will meet at 6:30pm
Classes will run an average of two to three hours.
The first class will cover the basics of the scope of the process, from treatment of the material, to tools and wax application and basic dyeing methods. Students will wax their first shirt, with art that will be provided, unless the student brings in art considered to be appropriate to the medium and skill level. Discussion of art for the following week will follow.
The second class will be waxing the second shirt with student provided art. Other treated shirts/material available at this point for waxing for an additional fee. Basic verbal preparation for the following dye baths and color selection.
The third class will be dyeing of the materials. Discussion on varying dye methods, fixative, crackling, and backstain control. We will also discuss wax removal in detail.
After the third class, I will remove the wax from the students shirts, unless they are motivated to attempt the process, and will meet with the students at later time to return their shirts to them.
IMPORTANT - There are only three slots per class, so please let me know if you are interested, and what size American Apparel shirts you would like to work on so that I can pre-order them and have them treated, dried, and ready to go for the first class. If you register late, I will have a small stock of shirts in various styles and sizes, but you may not find them to be your first choice.
Remember, these make great gifts, so think about what might fit a friend or family member, and recall that American Apparel shirts tend to fit smaller than most brands. I use American Apparel because of all the brands I have batik'd, they accept the dye in the deepest, most consistent manner. Peruse their website for size information: I mostly work on Men's 2001 style or Women's 2102 style. Most anything from their site that comes in a white cotton could be batik'd with, go ahead and think creatively and let me know what you would like to work on, but different items may have different cost, and may require additional tuition. If you wish to wax additional shirts on the second night please let me know so I can also compensate with additional materials to have ready for class time. If you wish to bring your own material for the second class, this may also require a small fee for wax, chemical, and dye, but be aware that the material, be it pillowcase or inexpensive tshirt from Walgreens, will not take the dye as well, and may be disappointing in strength of color.
I will be ordering shirt stock for classes on Monday 5/15. You can register for the classes now and wait to give me your preferred sizes until then, or register up to the day of the class but will be left with remaining tshirt stock to choose from.
Payment is accepted at any time up until the first day of class. If you wish to pay (with a credit card if desired) through paypal, please do so to this address . Checks or cash are also accepted before or at the first class.
So please let me know as soon as you can which class you would like to sign up for, there are only three available seats per class.
Thanks much, let me know if there are any basic questions you have, and I hope to hear from you soon!